


Best Teacher #43 Rodolfo

Topic: Talking about sports Vocablary solidarity - agreement between and support for the member of a group quarterfinals - 準々決勝 Phrases no matter what/when/why - used to emphasize that something is always true, or that someone must do …

Best Teacher #42 Emina

Topic: Talking about your favorite food Vocablary try out try - 初めて食べる try out - おいしいかどうかを確認してほしい genuine - If something is genuine, it is real and exactly what it appears to be hotpot - a mixture of meat and vegetabl…

Best Teacher #41 Milos

Topic: Talking about music Vocablary perceive - to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something Phrases hanging in there - not giving up despite difficulities 時間を作る × making time ○ trying to find time 言葉にで…

Gaba Lesson #12 John

Topic: Review Vocablary Market - to advertise for the purpose of selling Persuade - to change someone's mind Alternatives - other options Damage - harm to machine Digest - understand fully Filing room - the room where all the files are kep…