

Best Teacher #42 Emina

Topic: Talking about your favorite food



try out

  try - 初めて食べる

  try out - おいしいかどうかを確認してほしい

genuine - If something is genuine, it is real and exactly what it appears to be

hotpot -  a mixture of meat and vegetables, usually including sliced potatoes, cooked slowly in a covered dish inside a cooker

simmer - to cook something liquid, or something with liquid in it, at a temperature slightly below boiling

beaten raw egg - 溶き卵

broth - a thin soup, often with vegetables or rice in it

greasy - covered with or full of fat or oil


しゃぶしゃぶの説明に使える表現:dip and wave

As a matter of fact - used to add emphasis to what you are saying, or to show that it is the opposite of or different from what went before

go well with - ~と合う



Yesterday a typhoon passed through Japan

Tokyo was hit by a typhoon

A typhoon is approaching Japan


× It's nearer than Europe

○ It's closer than Europe





'have a try’の後には目的語はこない。try something


in generalは一般的

in commonは共通しているもの、シェアしているもの

e.g. If two or more people have something in common they share the same interests or experiences

e.g. I have very little in common with my brother, although we are siblings




果物の場合はvarieteies, types, kindsなどを使う

